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Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry
On the third Sunday of November in our country traditionally celebrates the Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry of agro-industrial complex. This event allows to summarize the results of our work, to encourage the most distinguished employees of the company.
Thanks to the selfless work, high self-discipline and initiative of workers, specialists and managers achieved some positive results.
14 November in the House of culture was held a festive event dedicated to this event. Heartily with the professional holiday of employees of JSC "Skidel sugar factory" congratulated chief engineer of the plant Hubarevich Vladimir Fedorovich. This year the day was summed up and outlined main directions of the future development of the enterprise.
On the occasion the Chairman of the concern "Belgospischeprom" work of 2 employees were awarded with Certificates of merit, one worker was listed on the honor Board of the Belarusian state concern of food industry and another employee was awarded a commendation. All were rewarded with cash awards. Twenty-two employees were awarded certificates of merit by the management of JSC "Skidel sugar factory". In addition, a number of employees of JSC "Skidel sugar factory" has received distinguished awards from Skidel city Executive Committee.